Home Repair Grants for Veterans
If you have a house in need of repair, there are government-sponsored programs that can help those who qualify. These grants are not for those who simply want to remodel their home—these grants are for people who really need them. These grants are meant to help community members obtain safe and sanitary housing for themselves and their families.
VA Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant
Who is Eligible?
Eligibility Criteria
Veterans or Service members with disabilities who have experienced one or more of the following conditions:
Veterans or Service members with disabilities who have experienced one or more of the following conditions:
- Loss of or loss of use of either (1) both arms, (2) both legs, (3) one leg and one arm
- Blindness in both eyes or having only light perception, plus loss of/loss of use of one leg
- Loss of or loss of use of one leg and residuals of organic disease or injury
- Certain severe burns
- The loss or loss of use of 1+ lower extremities due to service on or after September 11, 2001, which affects balance or the need for braces, crutches, canes, or a wheelchair
Purchases, construction, or renovations of a home to be disability-adapted
Purchases, construction, or renovations of a home to be disability-adapted
Money Available
Max of $39,669
Max of $39,669
Terms of Grant
- No one can use the grant more than three times up to the maximum amount available
- Home must be owned by the eligible individual
Application To apply, complete: Application Form
- Submit application at www.eBenefits.va.gov
- Call 1-877-827-3702 to have a claim form mailed to you